Monday, September 12, 2005

Calm before the storm

It is getting close to the time when I will have to go back to work after a very short weekend.
Though I must admit I did catch up on some much needed sleep and laying around time I still have a few aches and pains that are the result of kicking butt at work last week and only a prolonged rest will allow any recuperation I fear.
Such will not be the case as this week may be as heavy and stressful as last and there is little if anything I can do about it as the money earned by my labors will allow me to survive until something better comes along. All I know is that I will do my best to complete any work sent my way and assist any of my associates with any overflow, even if they are of the slow and lazy type I am surrounded by.
Am I so old? Do not the younger people among us realize that work is given to those who perform and the boot is given to those who work at getting away with doing as little as possible?
Yes I know that there plenty of my generation that are of the slow and lazy ilk yet those around me at work seem to be able to perform at a steady, get the work done pace night after night without complaint, unlike myself.
Years of brain washing in the army has left me with a brain that I just can't seem to do anything with let alone use.
Maybe I should preview such things that I write here before I publish them but I believe I shall never have anyone else read any of this so this is my own little world. My journal to the world.
I'm so great.
I'm sooo cool.
I'm not.
I am.
Leave me alone.
Help me to understand why we have so much evil in the world when there is so much we can do with just a little honesty.
How much power and money does it take to satisfy some of these people?
I don't care.
I believe in the simple things I learned as a child.
Why have a thousand different laws when the first one was enough.
Killing someone is against the law. Why have different laws as far as if they were gay or police officers or green for that matter.
Oh yeah. I forgot. The revolving door into and out of our prisons.
Kill someone and get life in prison and then get out in seven.
Then back in and back out and maybe third strike material stuff when the first time used to be enough to be strung up at the nearest tree and 'poof' no more problem.
Yes I know how many innocent people are killed by our justice system as well.
I can't seem to get ahead yet I can help spend millions of dollars to house and defend someone who killed his family who will appeal his death sentence how many times costing me even more money?
That money could go to helping others out here who need a proper education and hope for the future.
My own thoughts are scrambled.
The old "don't do the crime if you can't do the time" is something that has kept me from doing many things that might have been easier than brutal days of labor that have worn me to a nub yet I can hold my head up and my shoulders back with just a tiny bit of pride. I worked for what I got.
What little charity I received has been when I had no other way of surviving. I am thankful and won't deny anyone a helping hand.
That is a helping hand. Not a hand out that becomes a way of life for some.
Nag nag nag.
There but by the grace of god go I. (Everyone else as well)
Five days till payday!
What does the future hold for us?
We will see won't we?


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