Friday, November 25, 2005

A perfect time to reflect

Thank goodness all the hub bub over thanksgiving is over and I can relax.
My poison oak skirmish is fading into memory and the nasty case of flu I caught is in retreat.
Everyone is fine and dandy in my world. Maybe they are not happy with what they have at this time but they are not asking me for any help so I am happy.
I'm sorry the rest of the world is all messed up but maybe so it has been written that this happens to guide us along a path.
I'd hate to think I am anything important to what happens.
If not for my being lazy I'd be doing the tasks I need to perform right now. Thank god for 'later'.
Right now I get to pound away at the keyboard and make myself feel like I have something other than a pathetic life.
Not to say I have a pathetic life.
If only I knew what a truly pathetic life was, then I'd be on my knees thanking who ever I could for the wonderful life I do have.
It is a wonderful life.
All I have to do is to constantly remind myself to keep a grip and not to freak out huh?
There is a reason why things happen right?
I read something about Buddha and what he found and I kind of agree with a few of his points. Yes things happen. No there is nothing we can do to change things sometimes. We have been given this opportunity to live and we only have to live our lives. Therefore I am the luckiest person ever to live. I think I am happy with what I have.
The only thing that can go better for me is for the world to change into some kind of place where we all live a better life. Everyone. Not richer or happier perhaps, but someplace where we all accept responsibility for our actions and therefore we don't do the things we do to get away with the nasty things we do to get ahead since it has been drummed into our heads that to be happy we have to be successful and wealthy or something like that.
Somewhere where I don't have to feel guilty for having what I worked for while a bunch of lazy people want what I have because we live in a republic where we all have to share.
Then again I work with someone now who might be a reflection of myself and I don't like what I see.
Am I really that shallow? I can't believe I am as selfish as he might be, unless perhaps I am prejudiced because I am jealous.
Such a great life and I fall into the pits of despair by my own actions.
Can't I just be happy that I get to do what I do?
Oh yeah I forgot. I am happy.
Yeah like happiness is all that important anyway.
I guess I need confrontation to be happy.
Better than living in such a boring place that nothing ever disturbs you huh?


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