Life beckons
Again I am besieged by happy thoughts of what may be if things work out the way I want them to.
Already I have perused E-bay for more expensive items than I might not normally shop for yet I do not expect to be able to purchase any such products since the eggs have not hatched nor have I any chickens.
I am patiently awaiting the call from my next employer and not expecting (but praying mightily for) anything except the information that I have been okay'd thus far and the next step, which should be an easy one for me since I haven't done anything to set off any alerts that might preclude me from acceptance in the hallowed place of employment I wish I might join.
I have been a good boy.
Work last night was one of things. I got through it but I was not satisfied with the results. Given the time I could do sooo much better but the higher ups have decided I should do other things rather than deal with the problems of my own section at this time.
Oh woe is me!
Every one's life should as exciting as mine is right now with the promise of betterment in the position in life I face ahead of everything else happening in the rest of the world.
I have always seen the type of "Fred Flintstone in the quarry pit" (post office as an example) life long jobs as one of those jobs where we have to work at the same place always as a 'drudge' kinda job as the thing to avoid. Always doing the same thing you come to hate but can't stop doing cause you have bills to pay anyway. Never getting anything except too little money for the labor you perform everyday and knowing that there are plenty of people out there who would think that you have things nice as it is. Now I strive for that job.
Feeling unhappy with the good things I have is getting to be a bore.
Yes I am lucky to be me but you might be just as lucky not to be me as well.
Two of us might have to take over the world and where would we find the time to mess around huh?
At heart I am a hermit who dislikes everything about the way things in the world are proceeding.
Why the heck can't we all just get along?
Any person past the innocent age of childhood should know that the efforts of living in this day and age are arduous in the very least and we should not belittle anyone for the progress they have made thus far.
I should know that.
I still bitch and moan about how my associates are slow and lazy with no sense of urgency because I know that the roof (work) might fall on us tomorrow and if prepared we can sustain little damage if we have done extra (work) to make room for the new extra stuff.
Know what I do?
I put stuff away. It comes in and I put it away. Sometimes I hide it cuz there is nothing else I can do with it.
We are full!
Not really. We could do a whole lot better with more people but the higher ups must feel that if sixteen of us can do what we do and they can get by with and that it must be good enough.
No matter that twenty four of us could do better, but that would cut into the fifty four billion dollar a year profits!
My next job will not be so controlled by profits as the need for our service is urgent and people will pay through the nose to get service rendered.
Which will be reason enough for me to be paid twice as much to start as I am paid now after being there a year and a half.
I won't even be middle class as far as the class structure thing goes.
Poor white trash huh?
Yeah that's me.
And happy to be me...
Already I have perused E-bay for more expensive items than I might not normally shop for yet I do not expect to be able to purchase any such products since the eggs have not hatched nor have I any chickens.
I am patiently awaiting the call from my next employer and not expecting (but praying mightily for) anything except the information that I have been okay'd thus far and the next step, which should be an easy one for me since I haven't done anything to set off any alerts that might preclude me from acceptance in the hallowed place of employment I wish I might join.
I have been a good boy.
Work last night was one of things. I got through it but I was not satisfied with the results. Given the time I could do sooo much better but the higher ups have decided I should do other things rather than deal with the problems of my own section at this time.
Oh woe is me!
Every one's life should as exciting as mine is right now with the promise of betterment in the position in life I face ahead of everything else happening in the rest of the world.
I have always seen the type of "Fred Flintstone in the quarry pit" (post office as an example) life long jobs as one of those jobs where we have to work at the same place always as a 'drudge' kinda job as the thing to avoid. Always doing the same thing you come to hate but can't stop doing cause you have bills to pay anyway. Never getting anything except too little money for the labor you perform everyday and knowing that there are plenty of people out there who would think that you have things nice as it is. Now I strive for that job.
Feeling unhappy with the good things I have is getting to be a bore.
Yes I am lucky to be me but you might be just as lucky not to be me as well.
Two of us might have to take over the world and where would we find the time to mess around huh?
At heart I am a hermit who dislikes everything about the way things in the world are proceeding.
Why the heck can't we all just get along?
Any person past the innocent age of childhood should know that the efforts of living in this day and age are arduous in the very least and we should not belittle anyone for the progress they have made thus far.
I should know that.
I still bitch and moan about how my associates are slow and lazy with no sense of urgency because I know that the roof (work) might fall on us tomorrow and if prepared we can sustain little damage if we have done extra (work) to make room for the new extra stuff.
Know what I do?
I put stuff away. It comes in and I put it away. Sometimes I hide it cuz there is nothing else I can do with it.
We are full!
Not really. We could do a whole lot better with more people but the higher ups must feel that if sixteen of us can do what we do and they can get by with and that it must be good enough.
No matter that twenty four of us could do better, but that would cut into the fifty four billion dollar a year profits!
My next job will not be so controlled by profits as the need for our service is urgent and people will pay through the nose to get service rendered.
Which will be reason enough for me to be paid twice as much to start as I am paid now after being there a year and a half.
I won't even be middle class as far as the class structure thing goes.
Poor white trash huh?
Yeah that's me.
And happy to be me...
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